Frictionless global shipping. Effortless customs declarations.
Do business beyond borders without the roadblocks.
Do business beyond borders without the roadblocks.
Frictionless trade in Europe? Yes EU can. With Firstpoint's smart border tech, your goods are fast-tracked straight to their destination.
We take the guesswork out of paperwork and manage all customs documentation for a smoother compliance process.
From far-flung villages to bustling cities, we deliver by air, land, or sea to all corners of the globe.
With 24/7, dedicated support on all things customs and compliance, we’re with you all the way.
Browse our specialised resources, tailored to support international delivery.
A customs declaration is an official document for imported or exported goods. It details the items' nature, quantity, value, origin, and destination.
A customs declaration is necessary to comply with trade regulations, assess duties and taxes, and enforce safety and environmental standards.
A clear description of the item(s)
Harmonised System (HS) codes
Monetary value
Country of origin
Shipping information
Import/export licences
Names and addresses of the consignee and shippers
A Harmonised System (HS) code is a standardised numerical method of classifying traded products. Developed by the World Customs Organisation, HS codes consist of 8-10 digits that categorise goods for customs purposes. They’re essential for international trade because they help determine tariffs, track international trade statistics, and ensure regulatory compliance.
The cost of filing a customs declaration depends on the complexity of the shipment, the type of goods, and the services required.
You’ll have access to competitive pricing for our customs documentation services, which may include fees for filing declarations, handling, and consultancy.
When importing goods, you may need to pay various duties and taxes, such as:
Customs duty, which is based on the value and classification of the goods
VAT, which applies to the total value
Excise taxes may apply for items like tobacco or alcohol
Environmental fees may apply for certain goods
An Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) number is a unique identifier assigned to businesses and individuals engaging in EU and UK customs activities. This number is crucial for importing and exporting goods as it helps authorities track shipments. If you plan to conduct trade that involves moving goods across borders, you’ll need an EORI number.
A commercial invoice is a document the seller provides outlining the transaction details, including the description of the goods, value, quantity, and terms of sale. It acts as a bill for the goods sold. The invoice determines the applicable duties and taxes and is crucial for the buyer's records.
A customs declaration is a document submitted to customs authorities that provides information about imported or exported goods. It ensures compliance with regulations and facilitates the assessment of duties and taxes.
All necessary documentation must be prepared before the goods arrive, including a commercial invoice, packing list, and customs declaration. Upon arrival, the customs declaration is submitted, and authorities may inspect the goods to verify compliance. After paying applicable duties and taxes, customs releases the goods for delivery.
Incoterms are standardised trade terms that define the responsibilities of buyers and sellers in international transactions. They outline key aspects of shipping, including who’s responsible for transportation costs, insurance, customs duties, and risk transfer.
Need a quote for your customs declaration? We’re here to help.