Driving you to a greener future

Feb 2021
Driving you to a greener future image

“It is our collective and individual responsibility to preserve and tend to the environment in which we all live.”

The climate crisis is real and it’s destroying our planet every single day.  We know it’s preventable and we know it’s not going to save itself. So what can we do?

Here at Firstpoint, we care about our planet and we understand as a logistics company the impact we make on it will be much greater than others.  It’s therefore important to us that we do our bit to help and at the very least, give back what we take out. In fact, our company vision is to “offer choice and flexibility for customers using technologies that respect our people and planet”, one day aiming for a completely carbon-neutral operation and a fleet of electric vehicles. Yes that’s right, at FIrstpoint we like to dream big!

Proud to announce partnership with Ecologi

Following our successful accreditation to ISO14001 which recognises our commitment to our environmental responsibilities across the business, we are excited and proud to announce the next significant step in our journey to a greener future. For 2021, Firstpoint is partnering up with climate change warriors, Ecologi, on 3 exciting initiatives:

1/ Becoming a climate positive workforce

We will be offsetting each of our employee’s carbon footprint in both their work and personal life, from business travel through to their food, holidays, hobbies and more. Not only this but we will also be contributing to planting groves of trees in our very own company forest, as well as funding UK and international carbon reduction projects.

2/ Carbon-neutral UK road transport

Secondly, and even more significantly, we will also be offsetting all carbon emissions from our entire road transport operation within the UK, amounting to a phenomenal 300 tonnes of CO² saved each year and a whopping 10,000 trees planted!

Saving a million miles worth of CO² every year

In January alone, our very first month of embarking on this exciting journey, we’re pleased to report that 450 trees have been planted and 24 tonnes of CO² offset – the equivalent to 18 long-haul flights or 72 square metres of sea-ice saved!

450 trees planted in January and 24 tonnes of CO² saved

3/ A tree for every consignment

Whilst the Firstpoint team is delighted to be doing our bit, we know that many of our customers care as much as we do about the planet and are also looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint.

To help our customers help the environment, and to demonstrate our commitment to this cause even further, we will be planting a tree for every consignment we deliver. Yes, you heard it right..every single consignment! Pretty good huh?

Visit the Firstpoint Forest

To check out our progress so far, visit the Firstpoint Forest to see how many trees we’ve planted and find out about the latest projects we’ve been supporting through our donations! Better still, book a consignment with Firstpoint and plant your very own tree in our forest – after all, every tree counts! Check it out here.